lager, pilsner, Pilsner Urquell, all-grain
Source: John Wyllie COYOTE (slk6p@cc.usu.edu),
HBD Issue #1320, 1/10/94
Pilsner- Urquel!!! Just bottled after a months lagering. And twice
dry-hopped with....what else...Saaaaaaaaaaaaz it all! Yuuuuuum.
It is light, clean, fairly malty, and slightly sweet, but crisp.
And this baby just screams saaaaaaz. But without being bitter.
Too bad it's a little late for the bay area brewoff. I think it would
fair well. (pat on back....smack lips once more)
Ingredients: (for 8 gallons)
- 10 # Pilsner Malt. (german)
- 1 # aromatic munich (belgian)
- 1 # 40L Crystal
- 0.5 # Biscuit (belgian)
- 1 oz N. Brewer (boil)
- 1 oz Saaz (boil)
- 3/4 oz Saaz (flavor)
- 3/4 oz saaz (finish)
- 1/2 ounce Saaz (dry hop, primary)
- 1/2 ounce Saaz (dry hop, secondary)
- Wyeast Bohemian Lager yeast
Dry hopped after primary ferment subsided. Then secondary also. .5 oz/ea.
Fermented at 52 deg F for 1 month.