Steam Beer
steam beer, California common, extract, Anchor
Source: Subhash Chandra Roy (
Issue #862, 4/13/92
- 6.6 pounds, American Classic light malt extract
- 1/2 pound, crystal malt (10 L.)
- 1/2 pound, crystal malt (20 L.)
- 1--1/2 ounces, Tettnanger hops (60 minute boil)
- 1/4 ounce, Tettnanger (30 minute boil)
- 3/4 ounce, Hallertauer hops (30 minute boil)
- 1/4 ounce, Tettnanger (10 minute boil)
- 1/4 ounce Hallertauer (10 minute boil)
- 1 ounce, Kent Golding hops (dry hop)
- 1 tsp., salt
- 1--1/2 tsp., gypsum
- 1/2 cup, honey (priming)
- Wyeast Steam beer yeast
Crack the crystal malt and add to 1 gallon of water and bring to a boil
then strain off the wort. Add the extract and return to a boil. Add the
hops at the given times. Cool wort and pitch yeast.
- O.G.: 1.049
- F.G.: 1.009
- Primary: 10 days at 72 F.
- Secondary: 26 days at 50 F.