David Smith's Porter
porter, extract
Source: David Smith, posted by Russ Pencin
(parcplace!pencin@ Sun.COM), Issue #223, 8/9/89
This recipe was modified from Papazian's "Sparrow Hawk Porter" and won
first place at the Santa Clara County Fair
- 3.3 pounds, John Bull dark extract
- 3.6 pounds, light Australian dry malt
- 1 pound, black patent malt (coarsely crushed)
- 2 ounces, Cascade hops
- 1/2 ounce, Tettnanger hops
- 1 ounce, Tettnanger hops (finish)
- 1 pack, Edme ale yeast
- 3/4 cup, corn sugar (priming)
Add crushed black patent malt to 1-1/2 gallons cold water. Bring to
boil. (This recipe was made by boiling malt for 10 minutes, however,
conventional wisdom is to avoid boiling whole grains). Strain out malt.
Add extract and dry malt and Cascade and 1/2 ounce Tettnanger hops. Boil
60 minutes. Add finishing hops and boil 1 minute. Remove from heat and
steep 1-2 minutes. Sparge into 3-1/2 gallons cold water. Cool and pitch
- O.G.: 1.056 at 60 degrees
- F.G.: 1.024