RIS Marital Bliss
stout, Russian Imperial stout, imperial stout, all-grain
Source: Michael Wood (qkuporr@netcom.com),
r.c.b., 5/23/95
I'm planning on brewing a Russian Imperial Stout for my wedding. The
charteristics I'm looking for is a dark, full bodied, somewhat sweet,
with light bittering (for an imperial stout), and a hint of esters and
complexity. I'll be brewing this thing as a partial mash and figure on
doing a single step infusion mash at around 155 degrees for extra body. I
was hoping to add 5# of amber extract to get a little more specific
gravity. I'd like to get some advice from some brewers out there as to
what you might change or suggest.
- 20# 2-row britsh
- 2.5# Wheat
- 2.5# Belgian Carapils
- 2# Crystal (60L)
- 2# Munich 2-row
- 1# Belgian Special B
- 1# Oats
- 1/2# Chocolate Malt
- 1/4# Black Patent
- 5# Amber Extract
- 6oz Northern Brewer (60min)
- 3oz Fuggles (5min)
- 1tsp Gypsum
- 1/2oz Irish moss at end of Boil
- Yeast 1214 Belgian Liquid (And definitely make a starter!)
Specifics: (calculated)
- OG: 1.101
- FG: 1.027
- Color: 93 SRM
- IBU: 47.5