Oatmeal Stout
stout, oatmeal stout, all-grain
Source: Bruce Taber, HBD #1980,
March 9, 1996
This is one of my favorites. It is very dark and rich with a beautiful
brown head. If you like dark beers but aren't too fussy on the harsh
flavors of some stouts, then this is for you. The oatmeal adds a smooth
richness to the stout making it taste like one more.
- 5.5 lbs 2 row malted barely (2.5 kg)
- 1.0 lbs 1 minute oatmeal (500g)
- 1.0 lbs roasted barely (500g)
- 1.0 lbs chocolate malt (500g)
- 1.0 oz Fuggle hops - 60 min. (30g)
- 1.0 oz Golding hops - 30 min (30g)
- Wyeast # 1098 British Ale OG 1.048 FG 1.018
I used a 50-65-70 (122-150-158) mash schedule and added the chocolate and
roast barely at the 70 degree step and held until conversion (about 20
min.). I won't go into my full procedure because everyone has their own
methods that they prefer.