Cats Meow 3
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Maple Porter

Classification: porter, maple porter, extract

Source: Brett Taylor (, r.c.b., 10/19/96

[I enjoyed Jack Daniels Maple Porter at the GABF.] I decided to adapt my porter recipe and add some maple syrup to it and see how it turned out. I just pitched the yeast last night so I'm not sure what it tastes like yet, but here's my recipe.



Start warming 2 gal of water and add grains - "stew" them for 20 min or so.

Remove grains and bring water to a boil, adding extract and boiling hops. Add finishing hops for last 5 minutes of boil.

Add water to 5 gals. total (after cooling) and pitch yeast. I used Wyeast British ale.

Transfer to secondary and add maple syrup. Ferment to completion, prime with 1 1/4 cups of dry malt extract, and bottle.

I am not sure if there wil be enough maple taste with only 24 oz of syrup so I may add addition syrup after testing it before bottling.