Bigfoot Jr.
barleywine, Bigfoot, all-grain
Source: Ed Kesicki (, HBD Issue 1120,
April 15, 1993
Here is a recipe for a beer similar in flavor to SN Bigfoot Ale, although
it is not quite as high in alcohol content. (OG of 70 compared to 95 for the
real bigfoot according to M. Jackson). Let's say it's Bigfoot Jr.
I wasn't attempting to make a clone, it just came out that way--maybe not
surprising since I used the SN yeast.
In fact, I had never tasted SN Bigfoot until after I had made this one,
and I found the flavor very similar.
Ingredients: (for 4-1/2 gallons)
- 10 pounds, 2-row pale malt
- 1/2 pound, dextrin malt
- 1 pound, amber crystal malt (40 degrees Lovibond)
- 1/4 cup, chocolate malt
- 2 teaspoons, gypsum
- 1-1/2 ounces Northern brewer leaf (5.7% alpha, 60 minute boil)
- 1 ounce Cascade leaf (5.5% alpha, 60 minute boil)
- 1/2 ounce Hallertauer pellets (5 minute boil)
- 1/2 ounce Hallertauer pellets (steep 10 minutes)
- cultured Sierra Nevada yeast
Mash in: 130 deg. F 12 qts water (San Diego tap water, boiled+cooled)
- Protein rest: 125 deg F 30 min
- Mash temp: 155-146 deg F 1.25 hr
- Mash out: 170 deg F 5 min
- Sparge: approx 4-5 gal @ ~ 170 deg F
Total boil time of 1.5 hr, hops additions as noted above, chilled,
racked off trub
Final volume was 4.5 gal
Fermented in glass, temp in the low 60's Farenheit, used primary+secondary.
Two week fermentation
Primed with 1/2 cup corn sugar, bottled 2.5 gallons like this, which became
the Bigfoot Jr. The remailing 2 gal. was diluted up to 3 gal with water,
then bottled after adding a little more corn sugar (~1or2 tbsp). This
produced a very very good pale ale (Not at all bigfoot-like!) with a
more civilized alcohol content.