Holiday Ale
spiced ale, holiday beer, all-grain, Anchor Our Special Ale
Source: Doug Roberts (
Issue #317, 12/6/89
During the boil the spices combined with orange peel and malt made the
house smell really good---kind of like a beer fruit cake. After smelling
and tasting the wort, I think I've identified one of the Secret
ingredients in Anchor's Christmas Ale: cardamom. I'm guessing they use
1/4-1/2 teaspoon per five gallons.
- 7-1/2 pounds, Klages malt
- 1-1/2 pounds, crystal malt (90L)
- 1/4 pounds, chocolate malt
- 1/4 pound, black patent malt
- 1/2 pound, dextrin powder
- 1/2 cup, molasses
- 1 teaspoon, cardamom
- 1 teaspoon, cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon, ginger
- grated rind of 4 oranges
- 1-1/2 ounces, Nugget hops (boil)
- 1 ounce, Willamette hops (finish)
- Whitbread ale yeast
- 1/2 cup, molasses (priming)
Mash grains. Add dextrin (I was out of Cara-pils), 1/2 cup molasses,
spices, boiling hops, and orange peel. Boil 1 hour. Add finishing hops
in last few minutes. Strain into fermenter. Cool and pitch yeast.