Source: Steve Stroud (, Lambic Digest #948, 9/26/96
As a first guess, I would essentially brew a tripel, but cut all ingredients back to give an OG in the 1050 or so range; hopping and spicing should be reduced also.
If anyone brews this, I'd be happy to sample a bottle and give you my opinion :-).
You could shade the color of the beer and add complexity by replacing a small amount of the pilsner malt with carapilsner or carvienne malt; likewise a touch of malted wheat could be used to advantage.
Assuming 30 pts/lb for the malt and 44 pts/lb for the sugar, you should get an of about 1.050. IBU's calculate out to be ~20.
Use a good Belgian ale yeast. Westmalle (reportedly Wyeast 3787) or La Chouffe (available from YCKC or RTP orJeff Frane) would both be appropriate.