Source: Martin Lodahl (malodah@srv.PacBell.COM), r.c.b., 7/8/94
Protein rests: 20 minutes @ 117F
20 minutes @ 122F
20 minutes @ 126F
First decoction; thickest 40% of the mash
Heat to 160F; rest 15 minutes
Boil 15 minutes, then return to rest mash
Adjust to ~145F; hold 10 minutes
Second decoction, thickest 35% of the mash
Heat to 160F; rest 10 minutes
Boil 10 minutes, then return to rest mash
Adjust to 162F, rest at least 15 minutes, check starch
Mash-out @ 170F; 10 minutes
Sparge: 5 gallons at 170F
Boil 60 minutes, adding hops at the beginning and spices at the end.
Add lactic acid to taste, at bottling. The mash is very bizarre, turning to a thinner gruel with each decoction. Low apparent extract seems to be due to a much greater quantity of starch than this malt can convert. I plan to try domestic 2-row, which is ~25 degrees Lintner higher in diastatic power.