alt, german ale, pale ale, all-grain, yeast
Source: Bruce DeBolt, posted by
Keith Frank (,
HBD #1791, July 26, 1995
Since Wyeast 1084 makes such good stouts and porters I wanted to
compare it to my standard alt yeast (Wyeast 1338) using the same
wort. The original recipe came from Zymurgy's Winter 1994
article on Alt, with modifications from HBD input and gut feel.
I've been trying to duplicate Otter Creek Copper Ale, but it's
been so long since I drank one (Texas is a long way from
Vermont) I can't honestly say how this compares.
Comments - I prefer the 1084 overall. At a recent club meeting
the vote was for 1084. Both beers are good, but the 1084 flavor
is more distinct. With a lower FG or more bittering hops it
would be just what I'm after.
Flavor comparison after two months in the bottle:
- Malt aroma - 1338 a little more pronounced than 1084
- Malt flavor - 1338 is smoother, but I prefer the slightly
"rougher" flavor of 1084
- Bitterness - 1338 has a pleasant slight bitterness in the
finish, 1084 a little more pronounced
- 1338 has a fruitiness that is not as noticeable in 1084.
Ingredients: (for 5 gallons)
- 7 lb Shrier 2 row pale
- 1 lb German Munich
- 1 lb German Vienna
- 1/2 lb Brit. Carapils
- 1/2 lb Belgian 50 Lov. crystal
- 1/2 lb Brit. 50 Lov. crystal
- 1/2 DWC Aromatic
- 1/2 lb German wheat
- 1 oz. Roast Barley added last 10 min. of mash
- 1/2 tsp gypsum in very soft mash water
- Tettnanger 0.7 oz. (3.8%) 70 minutes boil
- Liberty 0.6 oz. (5.2%) 70 minutes boil
- 0.5 ounce Liberty, 30 minute boil
- 0.5 ounce Liberty, 15 minute boil
- 0.5 ounce Liberty, 5 minute boil
- Wyeast 1338 or Wyeast 1084
Mash at 156-155 for 60 min.
Wort split into two fermenters, with a one quart starter of each
yeast. Fermented at 66-70F in primary for 7 days, 72-80F in
secondary for 10 days. O.G. 1.053, SG for both yeasts 1.018