Medium Apricot Mead
mead, apricot mead, melomel
Source: brewed and posted to CompuServe by Dan Fink, reposted to Mead
Digest by Steve Stroud, 10/2/92
Ingredients: (for 5 gallons)
- 13 pounds fresh, raw alfalfa or clover honey
- 2 pounds fresh, raw wildflower (or other dark) honey
- 7 pounds fresh frozen or fresh apricots, crushed
- 2 pounds fresh frozen or fresh apricots, crushed (in secondary)
- 2 teaspoons Great Fermentations of Santa Rosa mead yeast nutrient
(made up to Roger Morse's formula in the book Making Mead)
- 2 packets Champagne Yeast (dry or liquid)
Add honey, nutrient and 1.5 gallons water to the brewpot.
Crush fruit, add to brewpot. Bring the whole mess slowly to 170
degrees F and hold for 30 minutes to pasteurize. Skim off any white
scum from the surface as it forms. Pour into a fermenter containing
cold water, top off with water to 5 gallons. Since you won't be able
to shove the fruit thru a carboy neck, you'll need to use a plastic or
stainless steel fermenter. it MUST be closed! Pitch yeast when
cooled to 80 degrees F. This will take awhile due to sugar content.
Ferment at 65-70 degrees F for 1-2 weeks. Don't leave your mead on
the fruit for much longer than this to avoid spoilage! Carefully rack
mead off of fruit parts into a carboy. Ferment until clearing is
evident (usually 4-5 months). At this point, rack to another carboy.
After mead is fairly clear, pasteurize the other 2 pounds of crushed
fruit in a little water and add to must. . Bottle or keg when mead is
CRYSTAL clear. If this takes a long time, rack off of fruit parts after
no longer than a month.