Cats Meow 3
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Apple Pie Mead

Classification: mead, cyser

Source:, r.c.b., 5/21/95

I've been wanting to share a recipe for a batch I'm enjoying now that is fantastic (and leaves your senses reeling). The spices are subtle, so don't be afraid to add more...

Ingredients: (for 5 gallons)


Boil honey in 2 1/2 gallons water for 30 minutes; skim scum as it rises. Add all spices and yeast energizer in final 5 minutes; cover and let steep for 15 minutes. Add must to cider in fermenter. Test for acid and add acid blend as desired. Pitch a big, healthy starter of yeast. Rack in 2 weeks, again in another 4 weeks, again in another 4 weeks. Bottle when crystal clear and prime at your own risk.
