Hard Cider
Source: (jwhite@anovax.enet.dec.com)
Issue #508, 10/2/90
For this recipe to turn out well, do not use pasteurized apple juice.
My last batch took 3 weeks to ferment. If you notice unpleasant smells
during this time, you can ignore them. Boy, does this turn out great!
- 5 gallons, sweet cider
- 3 pounds, brown sugar
- 3 pounds, honey
- 2 packs, champagne yeast
Strain 3 gallons of cider into a 5-gallon carboy. Strain 1/2 gallon
into pot and heat enough to allow sugar and honey to thoroughly
dissolve. Pour into carboy and finish filling to neck. Pitch yeast and
seal with airlock. When fermentation stops, bottle. Prime with sugar to
add carbonation.