Aggie Bumpkin Pumpkin Ale
Source: Dave Fougeron
Recipe added: 08/17/97
A brew with meduim-high bitterness. Awsome pumpkin color. Very clear and very clean, this beer tastes and smells more like pumpkin bread than pumpkin pie. ~6 1/2% alc.
Recipe type: Extract
Batch Size: 3 gal
Starting Gravity: 1.061
Finishing Gravity: 1.010
Time in Boil: 50 min
Primary Fermentation: 3
Secondary Fermentation: 5
- 5.25 lbs Briess light malt extract
- 1 lb 2-row malt
- 1/2 lb 2-row crystal malt
- 6 oz dark brown sugar
- 8 lbs pumpkin meat
- 1.8 oz Fuggles pellets
- .5 oz Hallertau pellets
- 1 tsp McCormic's pumpkin pie spice
- 2 crushed cinnamon sticks
- 1 tsp Irish moss
- 1 1/2 oz red California raisens
- 1 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tsp yeast nutrient
- 1 crushed clove
- WYeast #1007 (German Ale Yeast)
Cut up pumpkin I found by the dumpster right after Samhain, removed seeds and stringies and baked in the oven 30 min @ 350F. Grain and 1/2 amount of pumpkin steeped for 1 hour at 150F. Added extract and sugar and brought to boil. Added 1.5 oz Fuggles and .5 oz Hallertaur hops at beginning of boil. At end of boil, added .3 oz Fuggles, pie spice, cinnamon sticks, raisens, vanilla extract, nutrient, and clove. Lowered Temp. to 75F. Poured into bucketover other 1/2 of baked pumpkin, squashed and put into a large nylon grain bag. After 3 days, transferred to secondary leaving stuff caught in mesh behind. Bottled adding 3/4 cups corn sugar to prime.
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