Gambrinus' Mug

Gambrinus' Mug - The Brewery's Recipe Exchange

Hybrid/Mixed Styles: Fruit/Vegetable Beer

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Without a Ladder Cantaloupe Wheat Ale, Matt Barr, Extract
"Would?" Ragin' Raspberry Ale, Bill Webber, Extract
Lascivious Lemon Lager, Deluxe Cheese Brewing Company, Extract
Aggie Bumpkin Pumpkin Ale, Dave Fougeron, Extract
Offshore Apricot Ale, Matt Gadow, All Grain
Lemon Brew, Niel Knudsen, Extract
Rasberry Chocolate bitter, William j montgomery lockard, Partial Mash
Cran Berryliner, Grant W. Knechtel, Partial Mash
Smokey's Honey Apple Ale, Kevin Peters/Sean Cosgrove, Extract
Spiced Cherry Wheat, Dave Bonvicin, All Grain
Blue Marzen, Anthony Capocelli, All Grain
Kiwiberry Wheat Ale, David Campbell, Extract
The Wopsononock Brewery's Pumpkin Pie Porter, Brandon Tarr, Partial Mash
Orange-Cranberry Ale, Tim Neall, Extract
Watermelon Wheat, Lynn Vangsnes, Extract
Bloody Alice Wheat Beer, M Kiessling, Extract
Parrothead Ale, Chris Ehlbeck, Extract
Dunkacherry, Dave Brown, All Grain
Drunken Chihuahua Red Chili Ale, Brett McQuade, Partial Mash
Blackberry Porter, Andy Flynn, Extract
WhatDaHec Hairy Cherry Stout, Hector Reyes and John the Beer Guy, Extract
Strawberry-Mint Pale Ale, Dor Alon, All Grain
Wicked Spiced Apple Barleywine, Tim Jacobs, Extract
Yamabby XXX, Chris Schiffer, Partial Mash
Harley's Honey-Lemon Wheat, Gavin Bruehyachlovich, Extract
The Cliff Baron's Cherry Vanilla Stout, Dave Herling, Extract
Gracie's Potato Cream Ale, Tim Neall, All Grain
Watermelon Lager, Zenith Kleine, Extract
Savannah Sunset Kolsch Ale, David Campbell, Extract
Ocean Breeze Summer Ale, Kyle Fiske, Extract
Autumn Apple Ale, Eric Gross, Extract
Rob and Jim's Hard Summer Lemonade, Jim, Extract
Mango-Honey Ale, Kenny Polk, Extract
Fallen Apple Brown Ale, Bob Taylor, All Grain
Death of Elvis Cherry Stout, Keith Richards, Partial Mash
Punkin' Porter, Kurt Engelmann, Extract
Uptha Kriek, Jim Hoffman, Partial Mash
Backyard Raspberry Ale, dan raphael, Extract
Pumpkin Head Ale, Dave in Dallas, Extract

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 [Mailbox] , KFL, 12/22/96

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