Helles Belles Maibock
bock, helles, maibock, all-grain, pale lager
Source: Chuck Cox (bose!synchro!chuck@uunet.UU.NET)
Issue #556, 12/18/90
Ingredients: (for 10 gallons)
- 18 pounds, pale unhopped extract
- 2 pounds, crystal malt
- 1 pound, lager malt
- 1 pound, toasted malt
- 1 teaspoon, Irish moss
- 14 HBUs, Hallertauer hops (boil)
- 14 HBUs, Tettnanger hops (boil)
- 1/2 ounce, Hallertauer hops (finish)
- 1/2 ounce, Tettnanger hops (finish)
- Anheuser-Busch yeast
This is a 10-gallon partial mash recipe. Use standard procedures,
brewing about 7 gallons of wort in a 10-gallon kettle, followed by a 7-
gallon primary and 2 5-gallon secondaries. Then keg (or bottle). The
toasted malt was done 5 minutes in a 350 degree oven. The yeast was
cultured from bakers yeast.