Cats Meow 3
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Classification: weissbier, weizen, wheat beer, extract

Source: Bill Crick ( r.c.b., 6/24/92



Microwave mash the Klages and wheat. Sparge with 1 gallon of water at 170.

Add extracts and 2/3 of the Saaz hops.

I used hot water to get to the protien rest temperature, and then from there used the microwave temperature probe and it's hold temp feature for the two conversion rests, and mash out to 170F. I used MedHigh power, and stirred every 10 minutes or so. The emphasis in mashing was on body, not fermentable sugar. It worked. The beer has considerably more malt flavor, body, and the dry hopping gave it a bit more tang than it usually has. Old recipe just used 1/2 pound of malted wheat, cold to boil, to add a bit of flavor.