Steam Beer
steam beer, California common, all-grain, Anchor
Source: Brian Smithey (
Issue #739, 10/7/91
Side by side with Anchor Steam, this beer was very close. The color of
this beer was a bit darker, and the late hop additions gave mine a bit
more hop flavor than Anchor. The bitterness was right on, but my water
has pretty high sulfate content; if you have "better" water, you might
want to bitter it a bit more.
- 9-1/2 pounds, Klages malt
- 1-1/2 pounds, Crystal malt 40L
- 1/2 pound, Cara Pils malt
- 2-1/2 ounces, Northern Brewer whole hops, 6.9%
- Wyeast #2007
Using a standard mash procedure: Protein rest of 30 minutes at 125
degrees. Raise temperature to 155 degrees and hold for 90 minutes or
until starch is converted. Sparge to collect enough that a 1 hour boil
will still leave you 5 gallons of beer (brewing -- art or science?).
Bring wort to boil. Add 1-1/2 ounces of Norther Brewer at beginning, 1/2
ounce at 30 minutes and 1/2 ounce for the last ten minutes.