Source: Jeremy Ballard Bergsman (jeremybb@leland.Stanford.EDU), HBD #1600, 12/9/94
I always thought that Brettanomyces reduced esters eventually, but I looked it up and I couldn't find anything except a statement that they produced esters in lambics (_Lambic_ Brewers Publications). It could be age, might be oxidation (I don't think so) or anything else (fermenter geometry?).
This was fermented rather warm for 5 days with WYeast 1007 (European). It was then transferred to a 5 and a 1 gallon fermenter with the following dry hops proportioned up: .4 oz Goldings (5.7%) .2 oz Willamette (4.8%). The 1 gallon fermenter also received some of Yeast Lab's Brettanomyces lambicus.
The 5 gallon was bottled after 16 more days, the 1 gallon after 45 days, at which time it had some odd, hard-looking white colonies on top. FG's were 27 and 26 (+/-2) respectively.