Gambrinus' Mug

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Wheat Beers: Bavarian Weizen/Weissbier

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Yak Weizen, Russell Sherry, All Grain
German Honey Wheat, Robert K. Tracy, Extract
Basic Bavarian Weizen, Mark Stevens, Extract
Hillbilly Hefe Weizen, Greg Henley, Extract
Confirmation Ale, Tim Carey, Extract
Pascoe Vale Hefeweizen, Warren White, Partial Mash
Traditional Bavarian Wheat Beer, Lynn Vangsnes, Extract
Blond Bomber Hefeweizen, Bart Fortune, All Grain
Backyard Wheat Beer, Bruce Truesdell, Extract
Weihenstephan Hefeveizen, Mike, All Grain
Hefeweizen "Bernie", john andrews, Extract
Havasu Hefe, McMillan Mesa Brewing, Extract

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 [Mailbox] , KFL, 12/22/96

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