Gambrinus' Mug - The Brewery's Recipe Exchange
Ales: Stout: Russian Imperial Stout
Search Gambrinus' Mug
Czars Private Stock, Mark Stevens, Extract
Darth Vader's Imperial Stout (The Dark Side), Tim Black, Partial Mash
Third Stone Imperial Stout, John Setzler, Partial Mash
Polish Imperial Stout (PIS), dan raphael dlugonski, Extract
Mt. Stout, Rev. Bob Broderick, Extract
Dancing Penguin, Bryan J. Maloney, All Grain
Imperial Stout, Russell Sherry, All Grain
Blackbeery Imperial Stout, Matt Gadow, All Grain
Yep, That's Stout Imperial Stout, Kelly Jobe, Extract
Liquid Dark Chocolate, Gerald Barthel, Partial Mash
Nationalist's Fervor Russian Imperial Stout, Mark Henry, Extract
RUSKI STOUT, David White, Partial Mash
Stout By Bob, Robert Townsend, Extract
Stalin's Revenge, Jason Stock, Partial Mash
King Damara's (Coffee) Imperial Stout, Nuggethead Brewing Co., Partial Mash
Steve's Russian Imperial Stout, Steve Miles, Extract
to the Brewery,
KFL, 12/22/96
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