Gambrinus' Mug

Gambrinus' Mug - The Brewery's Recipe Exchange

Ales: English Bitter: Ordinary

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Bob's Bitter, Darren Gaylor, All Grain
Bride's Bitter, Tim Neall, All Grain
Surrey Slur, Jeff Osborn, Partial Mash
Bride's Bitter II, Tim Neall, All Grain
wise ass red bitter, t g, Extract
Black Bishop Bitter, Tim Neall, Extract
Blocked Up and Bitter, Tim Neall, Extract
Deet's Bitter, Geoffrey Smith, Extract
Stout In The Air Spring, Ken Steele, Extract
Butthead Bitter 2, Greg Henley, Extract
Butthead Bitter 2, Greg Henley, Extract
Pocoshock Better Bitter, Steven Johnson, Extract
Yankee's Bitter, Tim Neall, Extract
Underage Child Mild, Chris Looney, Extract
Black Cat Bitter, Phil, All Grain

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 [Mailbox], KFL, 12/22/96

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