Gambrinus' Mug

Gambrinus' Mug - The Brewery's Recipe Exchange

Hybrid/Mixed Styles: Other Specialty Beer

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substantial honey ale, jeff blackmon, Extract
Stone Groove, Mark Stevens, Extract
specialty ale, rob sessions, Other
Burton's Honey Pale Ale, Christopher P. Burton, Extract
Orange Blossom Honey Ale, jonathan edwards, Partial Mash
Den's Black Ale, SGT, Extract
Sugaree's Chocolate Ale, Jonathan Edwards, Partial Mash
Adjunct Ale (Wheat, Rice and Honey), Gordon Ludlow, Partial Mash
Jaromir Lagr, Jeff Stearns, Partial Mash
Rich & Bobs Honey Red, Bob Scogins, All Grain
Goblin's Delight Halloween Ale , David Campbell, Extract
A "Wry" Smile, Mark Henry, Partial Mash
Best 2 U Brew, Edward J Finerty III, Extract
Ya Scottish Bastard Porter, Edward J Finerty III, Extract
Dog's Balls Chilli Beer, Tim Thomas, Partial Mash
Let Rye-Gones Be Rye-Gones, Steve, Partial Mash
6 Malt Rye, J. Morton Halliday, All Grain
Irish Vanilla, Coffee, and Kaluah Cream Stout Sweetness, N/S Brewers, Partial Mash
Rye lager, Tim, Extract
Winter Wilderness, Dave Campbell, Extract
Devil's Fire, J Walton, Extract
Black Liq"IRISH", Jeremy Struffert, Extract
copernicus cup, Daniel D, Partial Mash

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 [Mailbox] , KFL, 12/22/96

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